Self-driving cars launced by Waymo

Waymo - We're building the world's most experienced driver



Building 20,000 self-driving Jaguar I-PACEs
We partnered with Jaguar to create the world's first premium electric self-driving vehicle: the Jaguar I-PACE. We’ll start testing these vehicles this year and will add up to 20,000 I-PACEs to Waymo’s fleet in the next few years. That’s enough to drive about a million trips in a typical day.


Talk about self-driving cars has been around so long that it’s almost lost the hope and excitement.

Waymo is launching a self-driving taxi service in the suburbs of Phoenix.

The promise of self-driving cars means more efficient commutes, more free time, fewer traffic accidents, big leaps in AI, and all sorts of other game-changing advancements.

As far as getting these things out to the public goes, Tesla insists that its auto-pilot feature that offers limited self-driving capabilities will be ready to drive itself from California to New York very soon.

That means Tesla owners would already have a self-driving car because the company just to push out a software update.

Don’t get too excited: This is a scary economic shift. A lot of people are going to lose their jobs. That’s a big factor in the dampened excitement. Also, with all that extra free time in the commute, demanding bosses are just going to expect more productivity.


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