Anna University New Answer Book Format Nov/Dec 2015

Anna University had an alteration in its answer paper for Nov/Dec 2015 Examination

Here are certain rules followed in the answer sheet

Anna University periodically changes the answer sheet format.


Before a year Anna University introduced a tick marking the attended question format in front page.


At first before three-four years there was shading type register number format... Then it has been taken off and again now it is implemented in OMR sheet format.


Below images gives a new look of answer sheets for Nov/Dec 2015 Examination




ü  Fill the register number format correctly by using blue/black pint pen by shading your number.

ü  Answer Part “A” Question in 5 to 10 pages and Part B & C must be written from 11 pages onwards (as followed before)

ü  Do not write your name in any part of the answer paper. (Followed from first and will not ever change)

ü  Replace the answer sheet if Stitching thread is missed, not stapled, page number not in order, serial number on the right top corner is not printed.

ü  Use both the papers for answering the questions.

ü  No additional Sheets will be provided

ü  Answer shall be legally written in blue/Black or Blue back ink.

ü  *Tick mark the questions attended in the tick mark column against each question in V1, V2, V3 (Implemented last year)



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