Update 04/05/2018: Tesla Almost Out of Stock—for Short Sellers
Tesla founder and CEO Elon Musk specified that humans are "underrated" on Twitter last week has been a viral talk.
The reason for this twit has been revealed now.
Musk had
idea of innovating new advanced automation for
Tesla's new sedan, the Model 3 electric car. But this time consumption lead to the delay in new assembly and finishing. It created Tesla to be lag in completion of new sedan car. So tesla had a drop in making the cars with its competitors.
Tesla lovers, who are its customers are waiting in long list started
Tesla COE Musk had already notified this lag and twitted a month ago on April that
"Yes, excessive automation at Tesla was a mistake,"
"To be precise, my mistake. Humans are underrated."
The Tesla was the first electric car company expected to produce 5,000 new cars for its lovable customers, this created tesla car customers to preorder it, as it was a mid priced with a affordable price of 23,00,000 Indian Rupee.
At the end of March, Tesla produced 2,000 cars per week, which was much lower than expected 5,000 cars.
Elon Musk quoted the reason for the delay in the production was due to the technical problem at the Fremont, California plant.
But the real fact is that Tesla Model 3 production assembly is seen as one of the worlds most robot heavy car plant assembly.
Musk quoted recently that "We put too much new technology into the Model 3 all at once"
He added that "We had this crazy, complex network of conveyor belts… and it was not working, so we got rid of that whole thing"
But finally Musk fed up and instructed the company to suspend Model 3 production for
the second time in recent weeks until there is improvement in the automation technology.
Musk had a self motivating words that he was sleeping at the Model 3 factory so he could get more
work done.